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Parker, CO Stork Lawn Signs ~ Stork Rentals of Denver ~ Yard Sign Birth Announcements ~ Littleton

Writer: the Stork Ladythe Stork Lady

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Stork Lawn Sign Parker, CO Stork Rentals of Denver 303-587-9400

Parker, Colorado ~ Stork Rentals of Denver ~ Stork Yard Signs

Stork Rentals of Denver is a stork lawn sign rental service in Parker, Colorado.

After a scenic flight from central Texas northwest over the Rocky Mountains, a flock of storks has arrived in the South Denver area just in time to announce fall births in the greater Parker, CO area, including Aurora, Lone Tree, Centennial, Elizabeth, Franktown, Castle Rock, Castle Pine, Littleton, Englewood and Highlands Ranch.  Ronny is the stork delivery coordinator.  Please call her at 303-587-9400 for more information or to book your stork sign rental.

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Our storks stick around after the delivery to announce the news!

Imagine how delighted new parents will feel when they arrive home from the hospital with their brand new bundle of joy and a 6-foot stork sign on the front yard is there to greet them. Help your friends or family members throughout South Denver share their excitement about their new baby by renting a beautiful stork sign.  A personalized bundle is included that the parents will treasure forever.

Don’t Forget the Grandparents & Siblings! 

Stork Rentals of Denver isn’t just a stork lawn sign service for for new parents.  Becoming a grandparent is a joy like no other! Grandparents often  rent a stork sign to let their friends and neighbors know their grandchild has arrived.   A stork yard sign is a fun and unique gift for the grandparents from friends & neighbors!

The baby’s siblings enjoy being included in all the fun! In celebration of becoming a proud BIG brother or sister, we offer matching sibling signs that are placed in the yard next to the stork sign.  It’s always such a fun and proud moment for siblings to see their very own sign in the yard.

stork sign, yard, siblings, children

Pregnancy Announcements, Gender Reveals & Showers

Stork lawn signs are also fun to announce a pregnancy, to welcome guests to a baby shower and to announce the baby’s sex at gender reveal parties.

Be sure to check out Stork Rentals of Denver’s Facebook page to see photos of Susan’s storks and current rentals. And please call Ronny at 303-587-9400 to find out more information about Stork Rentals of Denver or to book your stork yard sign rental today!

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stork sign, yard

stork sign, yard

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Copyright ©1993-2025, The Stork Lady. All Rights Reserved

The Stork Design is a registered trademark. and The Stork Lady is a trademark of Elizabeth Mayberry d/b/a

 The Stork Lady. 

The "Stork Design" is ©1993 and registered with the US Copyright Office.  All other designs are copyright the year of their creation and are owned by Elizabeth Mayberry d/b/a The Stork Lady. No right to use any of the designs is granted.  All Rights Reserved.

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