Stork 4 You Facebook Page Stork Rental Business Benton Harbor, MI
If you ask just about any successful Stork Lady Partner for the source of their best marketing, they will usually say “word of mouth”. And that’s pretty much true for all businesses.
The best way to expand your stork rental business is to do a great job for each customer and let them spread the message about your excellent products and great customer service. However, that can take a while. Or at least it used to. Now, it happens a lot faster . . . via social media. And you can help spread the message about your stork sign business by being proactive in the social media world. An absolute necessity for all of this to work is a website, because social media sites where you’re going to share your message will link readers back to your website so they can learn more about your business.
There are three social media sites that I believe will definitely help you build your business. And they are free and pretty simple to use. Today we’ll talk about Facebook. We’ll talk about the others in future posts. There is a lot of information in this post so stick with me because it’s all good!
Facebook is considered “the” social network as it was launched at the beginning of the online social network boom. Online marketing is now at the center of advertising and marketing plans for both large and small businesses. Facebook has become an essential tool for business. If you are not using Facebook to promote and market your stork rental business you are really missing out. Chances are your competitors have jumped on the social media marketing train and you don’t want them to have an advantage over you.
If you have a personal Facebook page don’t rely on it to market your stork rental business…be sure to open a separate page for your business. The following tips will help you use your Facebook page effectively for your business:
1. Be sure to make it easy to direct people to your Facebook page. If at all possible obtain a unique and distinct URL for it. Make sure no other Facebook profile uses the same or similar URL. It might cause confusion.
2. Your Facebook profile can be compared to an online storefront of your stork sign business. Be sure you project the image you want to achieve for it and take that into consideration when you design the profile for it. Making a good impression helps convert visitors into customers. Be sure you provide accurate information and include everything you believe to be relevant. Providing comprehensive information builds trust with your visitors.

Sign Chick Facebook Page Stork Rental Service NW Houston, TX
3. Focus your Facebook page to cater to your target audience. In the stork rental business your audience isn’t global, but local. And you are aiming to market to those people in your community who will soon be new mothers or the friends and family members of women who will soon be new mothers. Knowing who your target audience is helps create a strategy for using Facebook for your business. When you put your plan together don’t forget to focus on the benefits your business provides to them.
4. Be sure to post photos of the stork signs you’ve rented along with a few sentences to congratulate the family or talk about how excited the family was when they saw the stork. Let your customers know their sign will be featured on your FB page and invite them to make a comment. You might also invite them to post their own photo of the stork with the new parents or siblings standing next to it. All of those things will generate great word of mouth about your business.

KC Storks Stork Sign Business Facebook Page Shawnee, KS
5. Link your website and blog to your Facebook page. Just provide the URL to each post on your blog and your Facebook business page will be linked to it. Then, your blog will start appearing on your fan page and users can click through to it if they want. Moreover, any posts or new entries & comments made on your blog are updated in real time. In effect, your Facebook page will increase the traffic to your blog and vice versa.
6. To get the most of your Facebook page, you have to come up with regular posts and updates. Regular posts and updates show up in the news feed and make your page name visible to your visitors. Aim to post two to three times per week at a minimum. Furthermore, reply to the comments by your fans. This will also increase your presence on Facebook and will appeal to your visitors.
That should help you get started in creating a Facebook page for your business. If you are not engaged in online marketing using social media, you are lagging far behind your customers. As you can see in the tips listed above, Facebook is one of the best ways to promote your business. Don’t lose out on customers just because you don’t have a Facebook page!

Stork Sightings Facebook page Home Based Stork Sign Business Hutto, TX